Unconditional Love
What has this got to do with acting?
When you find unconditional love (whether you want it or not), when it comes your way, it's so powerful that you and your heart will never be the same.
Not to minimise unconditional love (EVER), I feel that the deepness of this feeling can never be minimised.
If you have never felt this, then imagine you have or what it’s like if you can.
It is the height of all emotions. And when we are acting, we try to find these truthful emotions to give our character real life.
Want it, imagine it, feel it, remember the feeling or just open yourself up to whatever is happening and the emotions that could go with it.
We’ve all had “good” and “bad”; highs and lows in our lives. Imagine the unconditional, if you can, and your character will bloom, grow and become alive.
This can scare the Hell out of you, but you will feel beyond trying to imitate.
Me and my son Derek as a newborn.